Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I've written two poems over the last couple of days. I'm just blogging them for fun, hoping to have time to revise later. They're a little different, but I hope you find them enjoyable (at least in an artistic sense :D), and, as always, I would love to hear any feedback!

A couple notes: I suggest reading "Vision" aloud, and "White" is a loose sonnet.

July 20, 2009

thrashing gold
fire yield
wheat field
clay and stone
grown feet,
walking home
tracking God

July 21, 2009

A party breaks from my memory's hold
and dwells with me, silent, backed against brick:
the perfume of spiced cider and blue gold
burning away a Christmas candle wick.

I stand under the roof's jutting gutter,
watching Sunday snow like a waterfall:
Feather laughter, muffled music--cold shudder.
Saturday's promise: "Once home safe, I'll call,"

forgotten.... He's released himself from cost.
His simple perspective: friendship, no spark.
Mine: my friend, dressed in black, talks; love-look lost.
That night, I'm drowning outside Noah's ark.

Hard thoughts on the white curb turn towards the Skull*.
Forgive. My sins are forgiven in full.

*a translation of "Golgotha," Calvary

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So beautiful, Lizzie! You have such a talent for creating imagery, I can always mentally picture everything you describe! Love you :)